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Frequent Insane Thoughts

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Read My Silly Short Stories

Chapter 1

Doctor Inevitable got a letter bomb from Karl's mum on a pirate ship during a hail storm feeling very foolish and went on a rampage, Doctor Inevitable then met his long lost son: Dr Inevitable the second, he jumped out of the way as the roof collapsed and with the help of $120 worth of special effects he killed the bad guy and made it away with minimal injuries.

Doctor Inevitable

Chapter 2

Doctor Inevitable saw a movie made by a man in a wheelchair in Mexico and got 3rd degree burns very happily and went on a rampage which made him cry, he stole a car and with the help of $120 worth of special effects he failed the mission and the bad guys made it away with the gold.

Doctor Inevitable

Chapter 3

Doctor Inevitable went swimming with Karl's mum in China during a hail storm very happily and fell violently ill which started a party, he felt a sudden ray of hope and as he nearly gave up all hope he got promoted to field marshal.

  • List item one
  • List item two
  • List item three

Chapter 4

Miss Honeypot almost got killed by Karl's mum after leaping from a crashing plane during a hail storm but it was all an accident and banged her head on a wall which made her cry, she called the police and as if it were a miracle she got kidnapped and tortured to death.

Miss Honeypot was owed money by a baby boy on an ironing board during the third world war feeling very foolish and everyone felt very sympathetic which caused an avalanche, she called the police and which defies what that dam fortune teller told her, she defeated her enemy and the world was safe again... but for how long?

Grand Finale

To Be Continued

My list of numbers and stuff
Donald Duck 123-456-7890  
Minnie Mouse 234-567-8901  
Doctor Inevitable Homepage  

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It's Inevitable

Doctor is thinking
There has to be a better way........
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wild birds
Thanksgiving dinner? Nope! Click pic for larger view
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My how time flies.

Today is April 5, 2020.

I have been a Jimdo (free)

member for near 100 years...... Where does time go?


Having too much fun


I've been quite busy


Life is still Good 


 A psychopath is better

        than no path


Every day is

home made bread day


Every night is

home made pizza night


All is well with new Jimdo changes and editor.